
Roundtop Mountain Resort Summer Adventure Camps

925 Roundtop Road Lewisberry,, PA 17339
Phone: (717) 432-9631Email:

 2025 Registration coming soon!

Summer Camp is one of the best parts of being a kid! Not only does camp promote physical activity, teach life-long skills, and build new friendships; it is also a BLAST! All activities at Roundtop Mountain Resort Summer Adventure Camps take place on our beautiful 1,200-acre mountain property. We offer a wide range of activities so it is natural for parents of younger campers to wonder if their child will be with kids of their own age. No need to worry!  We create camp groups based on age and ability so your child will be with other campers of similar age and interests.

Summer Adventure Campers will enjoy fun action-packed days with a wide variety of outdoor activities including:

  • High Ropes Challenge Course - Features several 35-foot towers and numerous features that are designed to build camper’s self-confidence to new levels.
  • Low Ropes Course - Through challenging tasks and scenarios, low ropes focus on the process of problem-solving and working together in a group on communication, trust, and cooperation.
  • Climbing Walls
  • Cedar Maze - find checkpoints and exit while racing against the clock through our 4,800 square foot maze.
  • Ogo Ball rides - Roll down a 900-foot track in an 11-foot inflatable ball with water. It feels like a water slide and it looks crazy. It’s a ride that you must experience to appreciate.
  • Bumper Boats - A great way to cool off. Our bumper boats feature water cannons to keep things interesting.
  • Zip Lines - Campers will get to zip both our lines at the ropes course and can zip as much as they would like from our three-story tree house zip lines during their visit to Mountain Adventures.
  • Water Safety Education
  • Kayaking - Campers will learn by doing with on-the-water instruction.
  • Canoeing - With a partner, campers will learn the skills to work together to navigate the pond.
  • Photography - Receive instruction on taking good photos. Camper will use their photography skills by submitting their takes for use in the end-of-the-week slide show.
  • Wilderness Survival - Learn basic shelter building and how to make fire!
  • Challenge Based Field Games
  • Canopy Crawl - A two-story fun challenge structure with a rickety bridge, cargo net crawl, swinging bridges, and swinging log.
  • Alpine Traverse - A towering passageway featuring an incline maze wall, suspension bridge, wormhole and incline bridge.
  • Fishing
  • Disc Golf
  • Orienteering
  • Archery
  • Wildlife Identification - Take a nature walk to a small stream to discover what lives there.
  • Marksmanship - Target shooting with paintball markers.
  • Scenic Chair Lift Ride - to the top of the mountain.
  • The Woods - Visit an outdoor playground for all ages featuring a series of smaller zip lines, climbing walls, multi-vine crossing, cargo net crossing, suspension bridge, and taco net.
  • And many more fun surprises along the way

Residential Camp
The residential camp housing area is in a beautiful wooded setting. Enjoy five full days and nights - Sunday evening (6:00 pm) thru Friday afternoon (4:00 pm). The residential camp experience goes beyond the incredible outdoor activities. It provides the opportunity for campers to socialize and learn as a group. For ages 12-16. Space is limited.
Adventure Camp 101
Our ever-popular day camp offers five days of outdoor excitement. 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. For ages 8-15.

Adventure Camp 201
A day camp offering even more exciting outdoor activities for campers who are a bit more adventurous or have attended our camps in the past. 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. For ages 10-16.